Our process. Part 4. Brand Identity.


Hi, in case you missed it, we have been breaking down our regenerative branding process, step by step, over the last weeks. We explained each part, from research to detailed strategy and our dreamy visual exploration phase. We tried to imply why we believe this is the only way to build a truly unique brand that connects with your audience on an emotional level. And all along, we have been using our own company as an example to showcase what that looks like in action.


As we mentioned last week, once the mood board has been signed off, we conclude the “input phases” and take a few weeks to work through our process of breathing life into this new brand. We believe that this phase can’t be rushed. I mean sure, we can bang out a brand in a week or two, but what good will that do for anyone? Why operationalize something so intuitive, so beautiful? Often, creating a part of the brand, letting it rest, and then reexamining it adds so much magic to it. Sure, sometimes, the first expression is the clearest, but more than that, the process of play, rest, inspiration, and reexamination usually leads to more depth, more awe, and more wonder.

I never understood, how creatives in big agencies pump out idea after idea, working late every night and on weekends, never taking a break to see something new, or to slow down and just be, all while finding inspiration from the same old blogs and award archives.
I believe in the power of nature, of rest and play, to find new connections and meaning, and essentially create something authentic, that does not just repeat what’s been done before. I want the work itself to feel regenerative. Wouldn’t that be fun?

We believe so much in this kind of balance, we even created a brand retreat on Kauai to share our approach with people and combine focused work with reverence for this magical place and intermissions in nature.

This is the first unconventional approach to our branding process. A gestation process that allows for space and play, a deep love for our craft and the people involved, to make sure everyone feels heard and cared for, and free to express themselves at all times.

The other part is our leadership. We believe in clarity, transparency, and honesty. But also, in leadership itself. We have been in this industry for 20 years. We know brands. We know what works and what doesn’t, we know how to make people feel things, and we know how to create a huge transformation for the companies we work with. We also know that the biggest gift an expert can give you is clarity, is direction, is conviction.
I don’t want my surgeon to present me with 3 options for how they could operate on my knee, and then let me pick the best. I would pick what sounded the least scary, probably, but I sure as hell would not feel safe. I would be flooded with fear, worrying that I might make the wrong choice. Of course. Because I didn’t go to medical school and worked a gazillion hours on other people’s knees. I am not an expert. So, why would anyone let me make that decision? I want my surgeon to know, without a doubt, what is right and what will bring me the desired results.

That’s why we don’t present any options in this phase. Instead, we see your brand's highest expression and bring it to life in the best way possible. In a way that you can see it too, that you can feel what we want people to feel, that you are giddy with pride and excitement and can’t wait to tell the world about this incredible new brand you have. And because of our deep collaboration in the strategy phase and our workshop-like visual exploration, we can confidently say, that by the time we reach this phase, we are so deeply aligned and clear on your desires, we know what’s right and what will lead to the biggest emotional resonance with our defined audience. This allows you to feel so safe and held in this process. This kind of clarity is the biggest gift.

This is just a quick intro to how we do things in this phase. While we are working through Fernweh’s new identity, we will break down the different parts of brand identity over the next couple of weeks – from colors to typography, illustration, and photography, showing how it all comes to life in a brand guide that will become your company’s rules to live by and allows for consistency and clarity going forward.

Much love,
Lisa & Tim

We would love to connect. If you, or someone you know, are ready to build their brand in a more sustainable way or if you need some beautiful new photos or a brand video, please reach out.


Our process. Part 4. Brand Identity - Colors & Fonts.


Our process. Part 3. Visual Exploration.