Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Undeniable Ease

We want to wish you a glorious New Year – may 2024 give us a reprieve from the intensity 2023 held.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Fight, flight, or freeze.

What a wild time we live in. So much heaviness all around. Right here where we live in Hawaii and far from us.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Saying no with love.

This is something I am learning from my incredible coach, Emma. And I love noticing it in my day-to-day work life more and more. She calls it discernment.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

The most powerful afterthought.

Sound is one of the most overlooked aspects of filmmaking. You can’t turn around without seeing some advice about camera toys, tools, and tutorials but where is the love for sound? 

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy


Today, we are super excited to share a personal project with you, that celebrates our B-Corp certification. and our commitment to our studio values of Love, Beauty, Regeneration, and Play.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Dear passionate, caring founder.

Thank you, for creating that family policy for your small business, even though the numbers weren’t that great last quarter and your board really urged you to put your focus elsewhere.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy


People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou

Obviously, she is brilliant, and so on point here, and while yes, we create brands and campaigns based on words and visuals, really, we are in the feelings business.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Remembering Play

During our retreat last week, we have been thinking a lot about bringing our business values to life in different ways. One newly embraced value is play.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Creative Breaks

Hi, we are writing this from our ocean-view balcony on the North Shore of Oahu. We decided not to go to Europe this summer and instead, planned a creative retreat for ourselves.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Tim and Rick Rubin on beauty and rat people.

“As artists, we aim to live in a way where we see the extraordinary hidden in the seemingly mundane, then challenge ourselves to share what we see in a way that allows others a glimpse of this remarkable beauty.”

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Our process. Part 4. Brand Identity.

As we mentioned last week, once the mood board has been signed off, we conclude the “input phases” and take a few weeks to work through our process of breathing life into this new brand.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Our process. Part 2. Strategy - Brand Narrative.

After breaking down the foundation of our brand strategy, the core messaging, last week, we will now look at the second part of the strategy. The Brand Narrative. This is where we dive into the problem you are solving with your product or service and the solution you are providing, the approach you choose to solve said problem, and then the points of differentiation that make you special at doing so.

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Lisa Hennessy Lisa Hennessy

Our process. Part 2. Strategy - Core Messaging.

This week’s section feels like the most challenging part of the process. Mainly, because we, like most people, always want to do it all. We hate narrowing down possibilities, and care about so much.

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