Can web3 be cozy?


To be honest, we are still not quite sure what to make of the crypto craze, especially, after the last tumultuous week. But we won’t speak to that, much smarter people are doing enough of that these days.

But I am getting excited about the idea of a paradigm shift towards co-ownership vs all of the money to acquire customers going to the same evil giants.

I am currently in the process of building a wonderful brand in the web3 space, so I have been down many rabbit holes to explore what that looks like, and how to create something that still feels new, without making it look like neon-techno-pixel.

But let me back up a moment for everyone who doesn’t feel quite at home in this space yet. Web1, the early days of the internet started in the early 90s and was all about reading information on static pages. About ten years later web2, the participative social web, entered the stage and content became king. We saw some incredible design movements during this time and also a revolution where everyone could become a creator, (to the frustration of many professional designers and photographers, but that’s for another conversation).
Web 3 is all about decentralization (of money, ownership, and so much more), which is supposed to allow for more transparency and accessibility. The idea of this is beautiful, and could potentially allow marginalized artists access to the stage and hopefully, less power to Meta and co. Currently, it feels a bit like tech-bro’s coming together to make more money, and far from inclusive, but there is hope. We have to push this technology to help make the wealth distribution gap smaller, not bigger. And to do so, I believe it’s important that more people who care get involved. Groups like BFF are a great place to start if you are interested to learn more.

What you currently see in the web3 space feels very clearly “Not web2”, it looks 3-dimensional at best and super low-fi with crazy colors on the other end of the spectrum. All design rules went out the window to show clearly that this is “other than”, and I get that. Also, the ’90s are back, I see you, Jen Aniston, with your sleek extensions.

But in my opinion, future doesn’t necessarily mean, sterile and cold space robots. I dream of a future, where people care for each other and the planet, where community matters and time well spent is more valuable than money, a future that feels cozy.

So, I firmly believe that what we are seeing in the web3 space now is merely the beginning. It’s the blinking cursor of the early internet. It’s filled with possibility, and I can’t wait to see when more people who understand human-centric design and bring empathy and care to the table will enter the current nerd space. 

What are your thoughts and experiences in the space? I would love to know. And if it is of interest, I am happy to share more thoughts on what’s happening in this brave new world.

Much Love, Tim & Lisa


On Showing Up


On Belonging. Or, how to build community.