Our process. Part 2. Strategy - Brand Narrative.


After breaking down the foundation of our brand strategy, the core messaging, last week, we will now look at the second part of the strategy. The Brand Narrative. This is where we dive into the problem you are solving with your product or service and the solution you are providing, the approach you choose to solve said problem, and then the points of differentiation that make you special at doing so.

Here is where you really lean into what makes your company unique and stand out from the competition. Your special magic dust.

Okay, let’s break it down, starting with the problem and solution. It’s fairly straightforward, I think, but I invite you to be specific. This helps to put yourself into the shoes of your audience and define how to communicate with them and be of service, rather than just sell to them. It allows you to position yourself as a guide, not a hero, and structure your communication around their transformation, rather than your offering.

The approach is the answer to the problem, it’s what you do and how.

And your points of differentiation identify your unique selling proposition, the thing that your brand does better than anybody else. The (at least 3) points of differentiation that you're looking for are truths that are already within your company — not invented stories. Ask yourself what you do better or differently, and where you care the most. This is how you will stand out in a crowded space. 

This work is essential for any marketing or communication strategy and helps you make it less about you, and instead connect with your audience’s needs.

Here is what we defined for Fernweh.


There’s a disconnect between brand intention and brand execution, and the pressures of modern brand-building are often at odds with growing sustainably.

Good people set out to create better companies, but don’t build their brand in a way that resonates on a deeper level.

The business-as-usual way of launching and growing brands results in meaningless marketing, disposable content, exploitive work practices, and a burning planet.


A creative studio that leads brands back to their heart - uncovering and visualizing their purpose, and telling stories of love, beauty & regeneration. 


We help you find your true purpose, and what sparks the most joy, by asking deeper questions, and understanding culture, the market, and your audience. We define and visualize your purpose in a way that matters and truly creates a meaningful resonance between your company and audience, thus organically growing community.

Points of differentiation:

We lead with love and empathy, resulting in incomparable attention to detail and care.

We strive to inspire positive change in the world - we’re B-Corp certified & 1% for the planet members.

We bring the highest level of technical know-how from years of experience on large-scale video and photo productions, making a level of excellence accessible to start-up and mid-size companies. 

We are guided by play and exploration, we have extensive experience in Europe and the US and let travel and different cultures inspire us.

Combined with our mission, vision, and values, this is shaping up to be a pretty strong foundation to reimagine our brand. Next week, we will take a look at our audience and build brand personas off of that, and then finish up our strategy part with the brand persona, the most fun of them all. If you are following along, let us know how you are doing. And if you get stuck somewhere, we are here to help.

Much love,
Lisa & Tim

In case you want to catch up on the other segments of our regenerative branding process, you can read it here:
Strategy – Core Messaging
Discovery & Research
Our Process


Our process. Part 2. Strategy - Brand Personas.


Our process. Part 2. Strategy - Core Messaging.