Thank You.


Hi friends,

We want to wish you a glorious New Year – may 2024 give us a reprieve from the intensity 2023 held, and if not (hem hem… election year), may we find ease and grace navigating the rough waters ahead. In community, I hope, because it all becomes a little more bearable when we feel like we can put down the load and allow others to have our back, to ask for help, or simply to be in it together, feel seen and supported.

We deliberately held off sending this newsletter, as the wave of New Year wishes and intention setting seems a little overwhelming. We relate a lot more to nature’s seasons, allowing winter to be more inward, a time of reflection and rest, rather than pushing hard on January 1st and losing steam shortly after. We want business to feel nourishing and build things that last. Not only brands but also practices and mindsets that allow for regeneration and rest.

In true Fernweh spirit, we are spending the end of the year adventuring. And we are having all of the good conversations over delicious food. Conversations about how to infuse more play into our work in the coming year. Conversations about a new series of conversations we want to explore. About the deeper urge to have these conversations, about the people that inspire us, and how everything should feel like an open-armed invitation.

I am not sure how I have managed to turn 41 and still not get a hold of the end-of-the-year rush. I am surprised every year at how Christmas sneaks up on me. So, instead of sitting with a journal and a candle and reflecting on the year at the winter solstice, I allow myself to explore and be inspired by a new place.
Mexico City makes me want to paint and make things. It makes me want to soak it all in. And I promise myself to take time in the new year, to find a way to share more of this. I believe in the hibernation of winter. A phase of introspection and slowness. And instead of starting January 1st with all of the motivational bs that only lasts one week, I want to let it simmer, and find my own timeline, my own spring. The perfect time for me, not for anyone else.

My wonderful coach Emma would call this being in alignment, I imagine.

But while we are doing all this, it also feels important to say thank you. Thank you for spending a little bit of your time with us this year. Thank you for listening. For asking questions. For sharing your thoughts with us. Thank you for allowing us to create beautiful things together. Thank you for your trust. Your open arms. Your love.

We love you and are so very excited for all to come in 2023.


Love as a business model.


On Showing Up