Undeniable Ease


Hi friends,

We want to wish you a glorious New Year – may 2024 give us a reprieve from the intensity 2023 held, and if not (hem hem… election year), may we find ease and grace navigating the rough waters ahead. In community, I hope, because it all becomes a little more bearable when we feel like we can put down the load and allow others to have our back, to ask for help, or simply to be in it together, feel seen and supported.

We deliberately held off sending this newsletter, as the wave of New Year wishes and intention setting seems a little overwhelming. We relate a lot more to nature’s seasons, allowing winter to be more inward, a time of reflection and rest, rather than pushing hard on January 1st and losing steam shortly after. We want business to feel nourishing and build things that last. Not only brands but also practices and mindsets that allow for regeneration and rest.

Going into a new year, we like to reflect on things we want to anchor into our business going forward, as well as release, and bring in. And we each choose a word, to guide us going forward. My word for the year is Undeniable, which holds a lot of layers to me, but maybe the most obvious one is creating more work that speaks for itself. That often means personal projects, to show rather than tell, to justify and explain less and to allow the projects to stand for themselves.
When I asked Stella (our almost 10-year-old) how to become undeniable, she quickly landed on a Taylor Swift example that she then distilled into two main things, being yourself, fully and truly, and commitment.

Tim chose Ease, which seems to be the perfect balance to my word, making sure the undeniability does not come from a place of white-knuckling, but instead, a relaxed trust and knowing, that we are fantastic at what we do and our work and experience does speak for itself.

I hope this inspires you, not only to give yourself some grace in these early 2024 weeks, but also to focus on the great things you can do this year, and trust that it will all happen at its perfect time.

Much love,
Lisa & Tim


Looking ahead.


Fight, flight, or freeze.