Dear passionate, caring founder.


Thank you, for creating that family leave policy for your small business, even though the numbers weren’t that great last quarter and your board really urged you to put your focus elsewhere.

Thank you, for researching that mushroom-based packaging material, that yes, still costs more, but could finally be something that actually composts everywhere.

Thank you, for caring deeply about your employees’ well-being. For demanding equality and providing it for everyone you work with.
For fostering a safe environment for people who feel and maybe look different. To you, the happiness quotient of your team matters more than an ROI.

Thank you, for making your production safer and better, and more sustainable, whatever it takes. For pushing back on those investors, who expect growth at all costs and are comfortable with exploitation as a means to an end. Growth isn’t the only thing that matters. And you know that.

Thank you, for putting our planet first. For caring about this earth more than just one day a year.

Thank you, for respecting your audience’s time and attention. For not making them feel less than, or not good enough if they don’t buy or do a certain thing. For allowing them to be human beings, not just consumers and numbers. For caring about what’s going on in their lives. For not yelling at them to buy something.

And most of all, thank you for caring for yourself. We are so proud of you. You are the one who understands what a regenerative business is because your own regeneration comes first. That way, you show everyone you work with that it is okay to care for your well-being first and foremost. To make yourself a priority.
That’s how a ripple effect starts. That’s how we all care more for ourselves and each other. That’s how everyone has permission to care and pause to listen to their own bodies and needs. Their own mental health. You show us, that it matters how you feel. That your body deep down knows the answers, and that it is okay to trust that knowing. That in business you don’t have to be tough to be successful. That vulnerability and compassion are strengths and more important than your accolades and achievements.

We understand, that to do all this, you have to stay in business, and staying in business means being profitable. And we firmly believe that this way of doing business will produce a better product and service. And if you care so deeply, and your team is allowed to do the same, people will notice, people will care too, and support you in your mission.

Just like us, they will want to back you, to applaud you for who you are and what you do, for getting up every day and fighting for what is right and what matters deeply. This is how you build community.
Fuck influencers and paid ads. Targeted marketing becomes obsolete when you can build emotional equity between your audience and your brand. This is what branding can be.
So much more than a logo.

We need brands like yours to win. And by winning we mean, connecting with the masses. We want your brand to be the next Nike, the next Coca-Cola, the next Uber. Just better. Imagine a world where brands like yours would be top of mind for everyone.

We have backed VW, Apple, Sony, Target, and other big guys for far too long. Now, we want to back you, and people like you, with big dreams for a better future. Because this is who we want to see succeed.
Because this feels too important not to do.

We would like to thank you for all of your passion and commitment. We are cheering you on for the next round. And if you want to connect, here is a link for a free discovery call. We would love to show you the highest vision of what brand could be for you and bring it to life together.

Love and adoration,
Lisa & Tim


Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

