

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Maya Angelou

Obviously, she is brilliant, and so on point here, and while yes, we create brands and campaigns based on words and visuals, really, we are in the feelings business.

Because everything else is just stuff. And we are not interested in making more stuff, there is already so much of that out there. So, unless what we make creates some form of emotional resonance, we don’t want to make it. That’s why, we have a difficult relationship with content. If someone asks, we often say no, we don’t make content. Unless you mean something that is of value or feels meaningful in any shape or form, something that lasts. We like making things that you can look at a year from now, or 5, that still feel true and important. If you use that on your social media channels, sure, go for it but we certainly don’t make it so you can fill one of the allocated “post 5 times a week” slots, and tomorrow it’s gone.

We don’t believe in visual junk food. We like substance. We like quality.
We pay attention to detail, and we ask the right questions to get to the heart of the thing. Unearthing purpose, telling stories in a way they can be heard.

It’s a great starting point to ask yourself or your team, what do we want people to feel when they see this piece we are putting out in the world, ideally, that should be easy for you to answer, because your brand is built on a strong strategic foundation that clearly speaks to your values, mission, vision, audience and so on. Imagine if everyone would lean into connection over disposable scroll fodder. What our feeds would be like? Or our lives…

Much love,
Lisa & Tim


Dear passionate, caring founder.


Remembering Play