Our process. Part 1. Discovery & Research.
As promised, we are going to break down our regenerative branding process using ourselves as an example company, to reevaluate if we still fully express what we stand for in the best possible way.
Our process.
At the beginning of the year, we decided we want to infuse more play into our work, we also talk about love as a seed for everything we do in our business.
Commercialization of Love
When we talk about Love as the seed of everything we do in our business, we always try to come from a genuine place. A place of care and empathy.
Advertising in a nutshell.
We’re in an era where it’s still of the utmost importance to investigate claims and give everything we consume and see a second, third, and fourth pass.
Declaration of Interdependence.
We envision a global economy that uses business as a force for good…
Love as a business model.
Wouldn’t it be fun if love could indeed be a business model? If showing up on social media, or any other channels, could feel like you were loving your people?
Can web3 be cozy?
I am getting excited about the idea of a paradigm shift towards co-ownership vs all of the money to acquire customers going to the same evil giants.
On Belonging. Or, how to build community.
The answer is simple. You don’t. You build a brand instead.